That One Time I Took A Step Back

Monday, March 16, 2015

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I had a moment over the weekend that I thought I'd share with you.  As I sit back today and reflect a little bit, I'm jotting down some thoughts since I can never seem to remember anything anymore.

1st Trimester.  WOW.  Disaster.  I think back to the day that I found out I was pregnant.  I'm 41 years old, much older than your average 1st time mom is.  I had pretty much made a life plan that didn't include kids and figured, if it happens it happens. 
*Freak out mode set in 
*Morning sickness set in (whoever decided to call this morning sickness, clearly never had it.)
*Hormonal and unable to control emotions (sorry work friends and Brian). :)
*Tired, lazy, unable to move from the couch
*Quit exercising
*Couldn't eat an actual meal (only small snacks) and definitely gagged at the though of warm meat
*Wondered if I'd be a good mom
*I've gotten pretty selfish with my time in my 41 years.  Often thought, "Can I do this?"
*MAJOR life change.  "Am I ready for this?"
*Babies R Us?  Really?  Me?  
*What To Expect When You're Expecting?  You want me to read this?  Really?  Me?

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Why Not Me

Monday, March 2, 2015

It will be 1 year in June when I went to my friend and mentor, Carrie Henze's house for a goal planning meeting with my other teammates.  I was told to write down where I saw myself in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years.  I was never a person who knew how to set goals, (god forbid I plan for my future), and I was probably the biggest eye-roller in the room.  But alas, I did what I was told, and I wrote down a few things that meant a lot to me.  These goals that I wrote down made my stomach hurt.  They made me short of breath.  I even laughed out loud at a few of them because they seemed so outlandish!  Who did I think I was to write something on paper that was so far out of my league?  They kept saying...the bigger and scarier they are, the better they are.

I looked back at that list a few months ago and what I saw blew my mind. I mean, it still does!  Six of the goals that I had written down, I actually accomplished.  I got teary-eyed as I looked at my list because I was so overwhelmed with what I wrote.

*move out of my apartment
*move in w/bf
*have my own office
*Premiere Coach by 12/31/14
*2 Star Coach by 12/31/14
*Have one child

In previous years, I was always searching for something.  I never knew what it was nor did I know how to get it or even find it.  Goal setting was the farthest from my mind.  What WAS on my mind??  Having the most amount of fun in the shortest amount of time!  I mean, who says that?  I even said it out loud!  In front of people!  What the heck kind of goal is that?

So as I sit here and reflect in my new office, (which was one of my 1 year goals),  I think about the other goals that made that list.  I get completely overwhelmed with happiness and I still feel like I'm living someone else's life.  I can't believe the person that I was three years ago, five years ago, and even ten years ago. That person is completely different than the person I see in the mirror now.  It didn't come easy and it was an extremely rocky road but I'm so excited for the future and what it's going to bring to me and my loved ones.  

I am now a firm believer in setting really huge and scary goals!  Why?  Why not?  WHY NOT ME!?

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Coaches Are Real People and Don't Love Exercise All the Time Either

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Before I got pregnant, I worked out 5-6 days per week not only because I want to be 40+ and pull of a bikini for as long as possible, but because I lead FB accounbatility groups, with men and women working towards a similar goal, all trying to get healthier and fit.  We workout together (virtually) and we keep a food journal to keep ourselves honest about our food choices.  

My first trimester, I hated life.  I was nauseous, I felt gross,  I didn't know my right from my left, I felt like I was in someone else's body, I was hormonal (sorry Brian), the thought of warm meat made me gag, candy and oranges are the only thing that tasted 1/2 way decent,  and all I wanted to do was lay on the couch.  So I did.  I felt guilty and horrible about my lack of enthusiasm for life.   Before I knew I was pregnant, one of my besties Nikki and I had just finished a kick ass round of Insanity (which we documented with videos to share with our FB followers).  I lost like 10 or so lbs and was bathing suit ready!  We made plans to team up again and lead a group of men and women in another workout accountability group.  How would people look up to me as a leader if I wasn't doing the program myself?  I couldn't even get off the couch!  I even tried to do their workout but I had no energy or desire to put on workout clothes let alone break a sweat!  I couldn't tell my customers in the group (who put their trust and faith into me), that I was pregnant because I hadn't even told my own family yet.  How hard was it to motivate and inspire these people if I was sitting on the couch feeling like crap and having a pity party for myself?  I had to fake it and I'm not good at lying.  

Thank god that time in my life is over with and I'm past that nasty 1st trimester.  Now I have more energy, I'm much happier, I got off the couch and started to exercise again, and I can eat normal healthier food.  (with the exception Milk Duds and Dots)  :)

There are times when I still don't feel like working out but they are far and few between and it's usually only because I'm being lazy and it's too cold to put on workout clothes.  The other day, I reached out to my accountability group and I told them that I didn't feel like exercising but I know I had to, I just lacked the motivation.  A few of their tough love comments helped me to change my tune and lace up my trainers.  I threw on workout clothes, kicked and screamed the way to the TV, pushed play and 30 minutes later I was done.  I thought to myself, "What the heck is all the fuss and drama all about?  I feel awesome now!  And really JT?  It's 30 minutes.  Get over it!"
Those endorphins kick in and all of a sudden you go from "frowny sad face" to "happy, what was I thinking face!"

So quit complaining like was, grab an accountability partner, and go sweat.  You'll feel so much better when you're done!  I don't know anyone who has said, "I really regret that workout!"  

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My First Blog Post

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Well this is exciting! My very first blog post ever!  I feel like Carrie Bradshaw... giving you the details of what goes through my head and the funny way I try to look on the bright side and think outside of the box.  The only difference is that I don't live in New York, I don't smoke, and I'm pregnant.  :)

As I go through life as an "older" soon to be mom, my hope is to learn as I go along, get tips from others, try them out myself, and share them with you.  I'll even share them if I fail!  I'm into health and fitness and nutrition.  I enjoy connecting with people and helping them be the best version of themselves. I do this by being coachable myself and creating a life, (for my new family and I) that I've only dreamt of.  My other interests include photography, nature, the outdoors, travel, corny jokes, wine, and lasting meaningful relationships with those that inspire me.  

I will share my life and the details of my pregnancy and thereafter.  I will tell you that I'm scared to death because my mom is no longer here to help me or answer my questions and provide support.  Luckily I have a fantastic supportive family and they are just a phone call away.

So with that being said, the 2015 version of Carrie Bradshaw should stop typing and go learn something.  This soon-to-be kid isn't slowing down anytime soon and I've got lots of things to figure out.  Cheers to you and thanks for reading my first blog post.  :)

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