That One Time I Took A Step Back

Monday, March 16, 2015

I had a moment over the weekend that I thought I'd share with you.  As I sit back today and reflect a little bit, I'm jotting down some thoughts since I can never seem to remember anything anymore.

1st Trimester.  WOW.  Disaster.  I think back to the day that I found out I was pregnant.  I'm 41 years old, much older than your average 1st time mom is.  I had pretty much made a life plan that didn't include kids and figured, if it happens it happens. 
*Freak out mode set in 
*Morning sickness set in (whoever decided to call this morning sickness, clearly never had it.)
*Hormonal and unable to control emotions (sorry work friends and Brian). :)
*Tired, lazy, unable to move from the couch
*Quit exercising
*Couldn't eat an actual meal (only small snacks) and definitely gagged at the though of warm meat
*Wondered if I'd be a good mom
*I've gotten pretty selfish with my time in my 41 years.  Often thought, "Can I do this?"
*MAJOR life change.  "Am I ready for this?"
*Babies R Us?  Really?  Me?  
*What To Expect When You're Expecting?  You want me to read this?  Really?  Me?


2nd Trimester.  LOVE IT!!!  I could do this all year long!  
Talk about feeling on top of the world, loving life, excited for the future. 
A friend I met said that everything you think is like sending little tiny postcards to your baby to fill them in on how it is on the outside.  I loved that saying!  I hope he/she knows that there's more to life than Milk Duds & Dots though. #yikes

Feeling little fluttering kicks is pretty cool and going to Babies R Us isn't a task like it always has been. Maternity clothes can be stylish, and I feel great because I'm working out again!  Even better, I'm working out with a gaggle of other moms and mom's-to-be which makes it even more fun!  Seeing 3D pictures, looking at a little foot, the 4 chambers of the heart, is for better lack of words, unbelievable. 

So Friday night, I got some new maternity clothes from my sister and I was trying some things on. I caught a glimpse of myself in a mirror and then felt the baby kick.  I did a double take in the mirror and had a moment. I looked at myself and thought, "Damn woman, you have come a LONG way!"  I got teary eyed because I still find it hard to believe that someone like me, who might have missed the boat earlier in life, who never in a zillion years ever thought she'd be pregnant, is looking in a mirror at her baby bump... and loving it!!  We're half way there! 


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9 Responses to “That One Time I Took A Step Back”

  1. Tears welling up as I read this Jen. You are going to be an amazing mom! So excited for you!

  2. ^^same here..tears^^ I'm so happy for you. It's true to cherish every moment, they're all precious. ❤

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks girl, you and M should have one now! XO

  3. I loved reading this!!!! So fricken happy for you Jen ��

  4. That is very inspiring, I hope I can follow your footsteps!!!
